Stockport Indoor Market
The Stockport Indoor Market is one of the most iconic symbols of the historical Old Town district. The structure itself is a combination of elegantly painted wrought iron and large sections of glass. As you can see from the photo these large windows allow for the market to be a beacon of light and a hub for old fashioned conversation.
Within the market there are a number of different vendors selling all kinds of products. The options consist of: cheeses, wines, sweets, vegetables, fruits, cafes, cakes, toys, cards, collectibles and many more. It is more than possible to do your weekly shop here and if you do so I guarantee it will be a positive experience.
The market is made even better by the people within it, the sellers are real people who have a real passion for the products they are selling. The option to try products, discuss them, and really have a meaningful interaction is why this place appeals to me and many others.
Outside of the market hall there is separate vendors at the weekend adding to the array of choices. I would recommend following the market on Twitter to find out the different vendors on offer. This weekend was the Makers Market which brought together local entrepreneurs selling anything from gin distilled in Cheshire to handcrafted jewellery.
The Stockport Market needs more of us to visit to keep it alive – the cliche phrase ‘use it or lose it’ really describes the importance of using these historical spaces to keep them from fading into history. We highly recommend visiting soon so that you too can experience the authentic market atmosphere. Embrace the Local folks!
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